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AsyncClient usage

The AsyncClient allows to perform the same operation that are possible using the Client but in an asycronous way:

  • The operations create, delete, deletecollection, patch, replace, get return a corouting and need to be used with await ....
  • The operations list and watch return an asynchronous iterable and can be used with async for ....


Read a pod

from lightkube import AsyncClient
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Pod

async def example():
    client = AsyncClient()
    pod = await client.get(Pod, name="my-pod", namespace="default")

List nodes

from lightkube import AsyncClient
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import Node

async def example():
    client = AsyncClient()
    async for node in client.list(Node):

Watch deployments

from lightkube import AsyncClient
from lightkube.resources.apps_v1 import Deployment

async def example():
    client = AsyncClient()
    async for op, dep in, namespace="default"):
        print(f"{} {dep.spec.replicas}")

Create a config map

from lightkube import AsyncClient
from lightkube.resources.core_v1 import ConfigMap
from lightkube.models.meta_v1 import ObjectMeta

async def example():
    client = AsyncClient()
    config = ConfigMap(
        metadata=ObjectMeta(name='my-config', namespace='default'),
        data={'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}

    await client.create(config)

Replace the previous config with a different content['key1'] = 'new value'
await client.replace(config)

Patch an existing config

patch = {'metadata': {'labels': {'app': 'xyz'}}}
await client.patch(ConfigMap, name='my-config', namespace='default', obj=patch)

Delete a namespaced resource

await client.delete(ConfigMap, name='my-config', namespace='default')

Scale a deployment

from lightkube import AsyncClient
from lightkube.resources.apps_v1 import Deployment
from lightkube.models.meta_v1 import ObjectMeta
from lightkube.models.autoscaling_v1 import ScaleSpec

async def example():
    client = AsyncClient()
    obj = Deployment.Scale(
        metadata=ObjectMeta(name='metrics-server', namespace='kube-system'),
    await client.replace(obj, 'metrics-server', namespace='kube-system')

Stream pod logs

from lightkube import AsyncClient

async def example():
    client = AsyncClient()
    async for line in client.log('my-pod', follow=True):